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failed: Unable to logon user (SERVER_NAME\\username): (1331) Logon failure: account currently disabled.

FileList::init() failed: ls_dir_wrapper() failed: Unable to logon user (SERVER_NAME\\username): (1331) Logon failure: account currently disabled.
---------------------- Debug Info -------------------------------
0: C:\\Program Files\\SWsoft\\Plesk\\admin\\htdocs\\filemanager\\filemanager.php:672 psaerror(string "FileList::init() failed: ls_dir_wrapper() failed: Unable to logon user (SERVER_NAME\\username): (1331) Logon failure: account currently disabled."


The user needs to be enabled using the Computer Management console or the command line:

Go to Computer Managementexpand Local Users and GroupsUsers, find the user that is disabled, right-click, Properties, General tab, uncheck Account is disabled check-box, click OK.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Senior Engineer Jessie

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
